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What Is API Integration in Salesforce?

APIs or application programming interfaces are pieces of software that can allow two unrelated apps to interact by exchanging data seamlessly. Sending a message, using social media, and checking the weather on a mobile app are perfect examples of using an API. More businesses are opting for API integration when coming up with solutions as it can have endless benefits for them and their customers. However, each type of API integration has distinct benefits, so it’s important to understand what would work best in a particular context.

Defining API Integration


So, exactly what is API integration? API integration is simply the connection between applications and the data exchanging process it entails. It includes everything from operations and revenue management to employee and customer experiences. API integrations can be in the form of mobile apps, web apps, business applications, partner applications, and business processes.

Types of APIs

There are many types of APIs. For instance, web service APIs are used to exchange information via HTTP or HTTPS between a web service (think URL) and an application. Additionally, library-based APIs can be created with JavaScript, for example. These help applications import a library from another software to exchange information. There are also class-based APIs that can connect data gathered and organized through programming that uses classes. Lastly, there can also be APIs that can be used for managing operating systems, such as troubleshooting applications on a PC or a Disk Utility on a Mac.

Benefits of API integration


With APIs, you can provide your customers with the safest and fastest user-friendly and stable services, which will, in essence, increase your revenue. APIs can be the missing link between your business and your customers and allow more innovation to be produced in your organization.

Automates Operations

When a business’s operations are automated, the results are game-changing. Expenses decrease, productivity increases, revenues sky-rocket, and your customers become happier with your service. Your business can take on business process automation (BPA) or business process integration (BPI) strategies based on API integration to save on expenses, also known as API management. API management can help your security, workflow, analytics, development, products, and services.

Connects Your Business With Customers


API integration helps your customers interact with your business in ways you cannot imagine. For example, they can easily request quotes and services through a mobile or web application without contacting a customer service agent. This can also help your business observe your customers’ behaviors and experiences and catch onto areas of improvement through direct feedback from them or by gathering data for analytics.

Simplifies Management

Moreover, API integrations can help improve your business management processes. For instance, you can have an API that incorporates seamless integrations throughout your organization. This can help share data among employees so they can remain updated at all times. Moreover, APIs can help automate business integrations like accounting, CRM, billing, and marketing, among other systems. API integrations can even help your business save costs on commercial rent as you can opt for a digitalized enterprise that can properly assess their customers’ needs from a single application.

Drives Analytics


Lastly, an API integration can help your business drive analytics for better service and production. Analytics can make the difference between a small business and a large and thriving enterprise. In addition, analytics and metrics can help your business determine where it needs improvements and identify areas of innovation.

All in all, powerful and engaging API tools will take your business to the next level by helping you understand what your customers expect from your services and learning more ways to market and produce towards their interests.